8 Best Wineries to Visit in AG体育平台

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  • on JUNE 10, 2024
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8 Best Wineries to Visit in AG体育平台

By Jess Lander June 10, 2024

最著名的是米其林星级的标志性场所,如法国洗衣店和美味的面包店,如Bouchon Bakery, the tiny town of AG体育平台 也已发展成为顶级精品酒庄的圣地, 其中许多都在离城镇步行距离之内 best restaurants and hotels. 将葡萄酒与艺术、音乐、烤肉和培根等各种食物搭配, 这些是你下次ag体育正规之旅中必去AG体育平台的顶级酿酒厂.

One of a Kind

Priest Ranch
Photo Courtesy of Priest Ranch

They had us at bacon tasting. Yes, you read that right, Priest Ranch’s bacon and wine experience pairs four wines with four types of bacon. They also pour their unique varietals, 比如白歌海娜(Grenache Blanc)和西拉(Syrah)起泡玫瑰红(你在ag体育正规的许多其他品酒室都找不到这些)。, with a chocolate or cheese pairing.

Insider Tip: 牧师牧场在2020年完成了他们AG体育平台挖掘的主要里诺, 包括一个新的舒适的休息区和一个可以容纳1人的酒窖,100 bottles. More recently, Priest Ranch unveiled The Kitchen这里提供时令风味的美国美食,搭配葡萄酒.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6490号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8200

Crazy for Cabernet

Silverado Vineyards | Rocco Ceselin
Photo courtesy of Silverado Vineyards | Rocco Ceselin

Situated on a hill overlooking the Stags Leap District, Silverado Vineyards 致力于生产100%庄园种植的小批量葡萄酒. The star of the show? Cabernet Sauvignon. 作为第一个在雄鹿跳跃种植赤霞珠葡萄的酿酒厂之一, 西尔维拉多葡萄园保持真正的根源,生产豪华赤霞珠. 在传统解百纳体验期间,潜入这些大胆的红色, where you’ll have the chance to sample library Cabs, as well.

Insider Tip: 当天气温暖晴朗时(一年中的大部分时间都是这样), 不要错过在西尔维拉多的户外石头露台上品尝葡萄酒, where you’ll enjoy staggering views over the Valley. 当气温转凉时,坐在西尔维拉多的品酒室温暖的壁炉旁. Either way, you’ll want to add a cheese and charcuterie board, complete with local, artisanal products, to complement your tasting.

6121 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA 94558, (707) 257-1770

Culture Trip

Jessup Cellars
Photo Courtesy of Jessup Cellars

Sip wine inside an actual art gallery at Jessup Cellars,由当地和全国艺术家轮流举办展览. 您可以选择三种葡萄酒的品尝飞行或他们的经典葡萄酒体验, paired with a tasting plate of artisan chocolate, cheeses, and almonds, which can also be enjoyed on the outdoor patio.

Insider Tip: Check the winery event calendar before you go. 你可以在夏天欣赏现场音乐,或者在春天欣赏葡萄酒搭配的短片.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6740号,邮编94599,(707)944 -5620

Single Clone Exploration

Bell Wine Cellars
Photo courtesy of Bell Wine Cellars

Bell Wine Cellars stands as a testament to the artistry of winemaking. Here, the focus is on small lots of single clone wines, 从谷底到山坡上的葡萄园,每一款酒都借鉴了ag体育正规种植区独特的细微差别. The tasting room, a cozy haven nestled among rows of vines, 提供的不仅仅是一个品酒-这是一个邀请,体验酒庄的灵魂. 参与葡萄园和酒庄之旅的发现之旅, 或者通过知识渊博的侍酒师团队带领的感官品酒课加深您对葡萄酒的理解, vintners, and wine experts.

6200 Washington Street, Napa, CA 94558, (707)944-1673

Rock n’ Wine

Photo courtesy of Cliff Lede | Bob McClenahan

Rock n’ Roll fans can’t skip Cliff Lede Vineyards在美国,甚至葡萄园街区都有音乐主题的名字,比如Abbey Road和Dark Side of the Moon. 酒庄有各种室内和室外的空间来品尝, but the best spot is in the Backstage Tasting Lounge, which doubles as a rock art exhibit. 在这里品尝克利夫莱德的一些限量生产的葡萄酒, 你可以一边欣赏经典摇滚最具代表性艺术家的肖像,一边喝着什么.

Insider Tip: 住在Cliff Lede的豪华山顶酒店,你可以像摇滚明星一样生活, Poetry Inn—but it’ll cost you a pretty penny.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台市AG体育平台十字路1473号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8642

Gourmands Welcome

Handwritten Wines
Photo Courtesy of Handwritten Wines

Handwritten Wines specializes in hand-crafted Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa’s top AVAs. Stop by their tasting room, 被称为SOYO之家(向其位于南AG体育平台的位置致敬), for food-focused tasting experiences like Quick Read, 特色航班搭配松露薯片和饼干, as well as The Bread and Butter, 哪款葡萄酒与手工面包和黄油并排摆放, Basque cheese, and sliced Coppa Salamé.

Insider Tip: 在手写葡萄酒品酒会给你留下深刻的印象,你会喜欢与家人和朋友分享这段经历? You’re in luck! “手写葡萄酒”有两名葡萄酒教育家,他们在全国各地旅行, 把他们精致的Cab Sauv送到你家门口. 在你的专家到达前2到3周,品酒材料和葡萄酒都会送到你家里. The only catch? 您需要成为会员才能享受独家体验.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6494号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8524

Vino & Views

Goosecross Cellars
Photo courtesy of Goosecross Cellars

Goosecross 由著名的库尔斯家族的克里斯蒂库尔斯菲塞利拥有。, but don’t be fooled; the quality of their wine is primo compared to the beer you drank in college. Small but mighty, 鹅十字提供了一个多样化的投资组合的葡萄酒和真正擅长制作完美平衡的红色值得庆祝晚餐. 沉浸在Goosecross庄园葡萄园和Mayacamas山脉的壮丽景色中, never overcrowded tasting room or outdoor terrace.

Insider Tip: 友好的工作人员通常非常乐意让你看一看这个小地窖, 哪里有机会遇到酿酒师, Bill Nancarrow.

1119 State Lane, AG体育平台, CA 94599, (707) 944-1986

Tasteful Luxury

Stewart Cellars
Photo courtesy of Stewart Cellars

Stewart Cellars 结合了最好的纳帕和索诺玛葡萄的融合,创造了他们的经典品种,包括他们著名的NOMAD赤霞珠来自安迪·贝克斯特弗的遗产葡萄园. 他们舒适的品酒室在AG体育平台的心脏设有一个亲密的u型酒吧与葡萄酒教育家准备倒你的货物. 客人可以选择的经验,如投资组合品鉴,其中包括当前发布的葡萄酒或NOMAD赤霞珠品鉴, 在他们美丽的遗产图书馆举行,还有一个奶酪盘.

Insider Tip: 浏览斯图尔特酒窖的活动,看看日历上是否有欢乐时光. These often feature tastes of their new-release wines.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6752号,邮编94599,(707)963 -9160